Wow...Sept. was my last blog!!! OMG! bad bad bad lol
Well an update I guess is required...
Dom has applied to 4 colleges, one she did not get accepted to due to the fact her combine reading and math SAT scores were not quite high enough. She has been accepted to 2 others and still waiting to hear from 1, they did not receive her SAT scores for some reason so she has to re send them. She is seriously thinking about OSU though.
Lillian is doing better in school...she was having a hard time paying attention, she is very much like Dom was in elementary school...very "chatty" BUT her teacher tells me she is doing MUCH better now and he is very happy with her improvement. I have also seen it while helping her with her homework! Its MUCH easier to help her!!
Ashlee LOVES pre school! She has school Mon-Thurs and rides the bus each day. She is always very sad when she doesn't have school. She has made lots of friends.
Mia is almost a year old!! Feb 19th my little baby will be ONE, I cannot believe how FAST that year went by!! She is eating lots of "big people" food, she loves to feed herself! She has not started walking or standing by herself yet, but she pulls herself along things quite well!
James got a juicer for his birthday from the ladies he works with, so our new adventure is juicing! I am so excited!!! We are trying the Reboot diet, from the documentary Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, its on Netflix, I highly recommend you watch it! They have a Facebook page and a couple of web sites! See the 2 web sites below...
Today is our first REAL day of juicing. We have juiced a few things before, just trying the machine out, but today is the first big day of the real thing!
Day to day...Life of a mother
My thoughts, worries, joys, and daily life encounters

Sunday, February 5, 2012
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Getting closer!
I am SO ready to move out of this place!! I can't wait till we are out! My house is a disaster right now, boxes all over the place, not organized. Its hard to clean the house with all this mess! I HATE it! I can't stand having clutter and mess everywhere I look!
Our new landlord (Lady) seems really nice, she is letting us move things over to the new place early and we will officially move in on the 1st of Oct. I am so glad it won't be right around the holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas)! I cannot wait to be done with the landlords we have now. They are nice I guess but SO anal about everything! I mean I have 4 kids, nothing is going to be perfect! I am picky about my cleaning and like things done a certain way, but gosh dang people, we aren't an old retired couple with no kids and all the time in the world to sit around and clean and garden all day long! Plus I think they are trying to charge us for things that they say are "legal" but I think its something they are saying to get more money out of us or get us out earlier. I'm just sick of their crap. Its been a rough year for us with moving down here and starting all over, so maybe they are sick of our crap too, but I honestly think they over do things a little bit.
This new place we got is going to be nice! Its bigger 1500sq ft, and is the same amount of rent we pay here but the water and sewer is paid, so actually we will be saving probably $90-95 a month! I also love that it has 2.5 bathrooms and a 2 car garage, a big kitchen and the master bedroom has a big walk in closet! Woot! Tomorrow we go over to unload some stuff, that will clear up the house some at least.
As much as I am ready to move, I do not want to pack up, I hate packing! It causes such chaos and mess! I have been packing the last few days but today I have not packed anything...however I am trying to catch up on laundry, I think I have done 5 loads today. Mia is not wanting to nap much today, she will sleep for about 20 min and then wake up, except for this last time I laid her down, she is still sleeping.
Maybe I will get some things packed tonight while the kids are sleeping...
Our new landlord (Lady) seems really nice, she is letting us move things over to the new place early and we will officially move in on the 1st of Oct. I am so glad it won't be right around the holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas)! I cannot wait to be done with the landlords we have now. They are nice I guess but SO anal about everything! I mean I have 4 kids, nothing is going to be perfect! I am picky about my cleaning and like things done a certain way, but gosh dang people, we aren't an old retired couple with no kids and all the time in the world to sit around and clean and garden all day long! Plus I think they are trying to charge us for things that they say are "legal" but I think its something they are saying to get more money out of us or get us out earlier. I'm just sick of their crap. Its been a rough year for us with moving down here and starting all over, so maybe they are sick of our crap too, but I honestly think they over do things a little bit.
This new place we got is going to be nice! Its bigger 1500sq ft, and is the same amount of rent we pay here but the water and sewer is paid, so actually we will be saving probably $90-95 a month! I also love that it has 2.5 bathrooms and a 2 car garage, a big kitchen and the master bedroom has a big walk in closet! Woot! Tomorrow we go over to unload some stuff, that will clear up the house some at least.
As much as I am ready to move, I do not want to pack up, I hate packing! It causes such chaos and mess! I have been packing the last few days but today I have not packed anything...however I am trying to catch up on laundry, I think I have done 5 loads today. Mia is not wanting to nap much today, she will sleep for about 20 min and then wake up, except for this last time I laid her down, she is still sleeping.
Maybe I will get some things packed tonight while the kids are sleeping...
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Guess we are moving for sure now...
Well our landlords are dumb. They are giving us 60 days to move (better than 30 I guess). I don't know if that is considered eviction or not?? They don't want to renew our lease so gave us the 60 days. I could be wrong but I thought you were supposed to rent on a month to month basis if the lease is not to be renewed, I didn't read anywhere in the lease agreement that it states they can "kick you out" so to say. They are pissed because we paid rent a week late due to James not getting his vacation pay on his last check so we weren't able to come up with the WHOLE amount. We emailed them and explained what happened, which was something totally out of our control! And apparently they were not happy with that. I understand they want their money and all but dang! We can't control what happens with payroll! So whatever...anyway...we were wanting to move already, looking for something bigger, possibly cheaper, just something different, we are tired of dealing with these people, they are very anal about everything. When they did their walk through awhile back I swear they expected everything to look perfectly spotless, like we are some old retired couple of something with no kids. My house was really clean! But they nit picked EVERYTHING. They find one speck of dust in the corners and say I have dirt piles in the corners of my house! WHAT!? So anyway...we were just wanting to move on our time and not be rushed. Well, now we are rushed. And its going to be hard to come up with the money to move into a new place, I mean we don't have thousands of dollars laying around to hand over for deposits...some of the deposits on these places are crazy! $2000.00 for some!
Luckily we did find a few places where deposits weren't crazy. The first place we are going to try for is actually a duplex/townhouse. It is REALLY nice, it has a huge kitchen, with a little pantry, a 2 car garage, very tall vaulted ceilings, 2.5 baths, nice landscaping, it has a big walk in closet in the master that you walk thru to get to the master bath...only downside to it, is that you share the deck and yard with the neighbors...I might be able to live with it tho and Dom loves it! Its not far from where w live now so if we can get into it, it would be an easy move. It will be a little further away from the school but closer to work for James and Dom.
I am just so tired of being behind and never having money for things when they come up! James got paid yesterday and we only have like $4 left! How on earth can we survive on $4 for the rest of the week! I HATE this!! I feel unfairly treated. Tho I know there is no one that is treating us this way lol. I just feel like we are always struggling for everything we have. I'm tired of 2nd hand household stuff. I'm tired of things falling apart because they are used and re used. Tho I must say the last couches we bought that were 2nd hand are holding up good and they are comfy. The one has a tear but I could probably sew it up pretty easy. BLAH, I am just tired of feeling like a poor, broke, family. I want better for my children, I don't want them to have to wait on things they need. We need to get Ashlee more medicine for her cold, but like I said we only got $4 to our name right now! I listed a ton of stuff on ebay so hopefully that will sell and make some money there. I just want things to be easier! I am tired of getting bad news and being let down. I am tired of stress and worry!
Gosh dang, I am in such a down mood lately. I'm just tired of crap and I want all the crappy, bad, struggling, and worry to go away. I want life to be easier!
Sorry for the rant, this was suppose to be about moving lol...
Well anyway...
Luckily we did find a few places where deposits weren't crazy. The first place we are going to try for is actually a duplex/townhouse. It is REALLY nice, it has a huge kitchen, with a little pantry, a 2 car garage, very tall vaulted ceilings, 2.5 baths, nice landscaping, it has a big walk in closet in the master that you walk thru to get to the master bath...only downside to it, is that you share the deck and yard with the neighbors...I might be able to live with it tho and Dom loves it! Its not far from where w live now so if we can get into it, it would be an easy move. It will be a little further away from the school but closer to work for James and Dom.
I am just so tired of being behind and never having money for things when they come up! James got paid yesterday and we only have like $4 left! How on earth can we survive on $4 for the rest of the week! I HATE this!! I feel unfairly treated. Tho I know there is no one that is treating us this way lol. I just feel like we are always struggling for everything we have. I'm tired of 2nd hand household stuff. I'm tired of things falling apart because they are used and re used. Tho I must say the last couches we bought that were 2nd hand are holding up good and they are comfy. The one has a tear but I could probably sew it up pretty easy. BLAH, I am just tired of feeling like a poor, broke, family. I want better for my children, I don't want them to have to wait on things they need. We need to get Ashlee more medicine for her cold, but like I said we only got $4 to our name right now! I listed a ton of stuff on ebay so hopefully that will sell and make some money there. I just want things to be easier! I am tired of getting bad news and being let down. I am tired of stress and worry!
Gosh dang, I am in such a down mood lately. I'm just tired of crap and I want all the crappy, bad, struggling, and worry to go away. I want life to be easier!
Sorry for the rant, this was suppose to be about moving lol...
Well anyway...
Monday, September 5, 2011
So sick and tired of...
James and I have been talking a lot the last couple days about a lot of different things. Money, weight, work, kids, stress etc etc. I have come to the conclusion that my life was meant to be difficult and a struggle.
We have a strong faith in God, but sometimes it just feels like your alone in life. I know God is faithful, its us as his children that are unfaithful and lose sight of Him. I am just so tired of struggling for everything, tired of barely making it, tired of worrying about bills and rent being paid on time. I am tired of worrying about food, not for myself but for my kids, I don't want them to be hungry. When my kids need something or we need something for the house or for one of us, I just want to be able to go get it and not worry about whether spending $2 on deodorant is going to be ok or if its going to mess things up...yep $2 whole dollars!! That's how bad it is sometimes and sometimes we don't even have it so it has to wait till next payday and then...that's money that is taken away from other things that we need to get or a bill that we need to pay. $2 shouldn't be something that we should have to worry about! James works hard and he makes better than minimum wage but gosh dang, its like he would need to be make twice as much as he does! And if I got a job nearly all my money would go to daycare, so whats the point!?
Thankfully I have learned to coupon some but I am no expert and I still am not saving what I would like to be able to. I did really good shopping for school supplies and with coupons, sales and employee discounts I spent probably $20 on supplies for 3 kids and still have some stuff left over!! That is something I am proud of. But I want to be able to supply my children with things they need, WHEN they need them...not 2 weeks or more down the road! I'm just sick of being poor...that's what it feels like anyway. I know we are NOT poor, there are so many people out there that are in worse shape than we are, so yes, I am thankful for what we have. And I know that God will provide us the things we NEED (not the things we WANT) and he has been faithful to us. But sometimes I feel forgotten and I feel like we are going through things we shouldn't be going through. Its hard to see people around you, friends, family and just people in general having what seems like a fairly easy time with things...paying bills, buying things they want, going places etc etc. Now, I know that money is not everything and material possessions are nothing and don't mean a can't take them with you! But having money there to use or spend if you would like sure would make things easier! Heck, I would just like to be able to have enough to pay all the bills (and keep them current) and the rent and have enough left over to buy gas to last us the rest of the week and to buy toilet paper and shampoo etc etc. I hate having to worry about gas...right now our gas tank reads IN THE RED and I don't think we have much in the bank to get enough gas to last us till next payday...maybe tho, luckily we live fairly close to everything so we don't use much gas.
But I would like to be able to not worry about it, for instance...if we need to go pick up Shelby or drop her off, it would be nice to just fill up the tank (probably twice lol) and go do it! Instead of having to borrow money from Dominique or family. I hate borrowing money from Dom, that is her money that she worked hard to earn and I don't think its fair to her for us to borrow her money. She doesn't mind but I don't like it. And I hate borrowing from family, its not their job to help us with that stuff! Or if we want to go visit Roseburg on one of James' 4 day would be nice to just get the gas and go and not have to worry about how its going to effect our bills!
I'm tired of not being able to see Shelby like we should. I know part of it has to deal with the fact that we live about 8+ hours away from each other, but seeing her 2 times in one year I don't think is fair. I know she has things going on and friends she is hanging out with and stuff but we are her family and we have the right to see her when we are supposed to. And I think both sides to need to work together equally to make sure it happens like it is supposed to. And I am just gunna leave that at that...anymore I say would probably upset someone or piss someone off and that is the least thing I want to do...
I am tired of spending my time during the day cleaning and straightening things and organizing, making everything look nice and clean to have it messed up again within a hour or so of being done with it. I am tired of my children not listening to me and arguing with me when I ask them to clean up their messes. Funny thing is, when they start getting things out or making a mess I remind them that they will have to clean it up when they are done, at the time they say, "yes mommy" and its no big deal, but when it comes time to do the chore, its another story. I am tired of repeating myself a gazillion times before something gets done. I am tired of feeling like I am the only person who cares about how our house looks, I swear, sometimes I leave things on purpose, hoping that someone else will take the initiative to take care of it or clean it up, pick it up and throw it away...whatever needs to be done, but nope, usually I am the one to take care of it in the end. James helps sometimes, he does the mopping and does his dishes, he mows and weed eats the yard, and he will do laundry sometimes...but I feel like 90% is left up to me. Sometimes I just wanna give up and leave it all!
I am tired of having to walk around on egg shells so that I don't piss off Dom and have to listen to her yell and scream at me because I asked her to do something she does not want to do, or I said something the wrong way. I am tired of the attitude and disrespect that I get from her and I am tired of the arguing. I know part of it is because she is a teenager but I think there is more behind it and I think sometimes its worse than normal teenage stuff.
I am tired of being fat...yes, part of this is my fault and I know there are things I can do to fix it. Though I do not understand why I am as overweight as I am, I do not eat a lot, but when I do eat is usually in the evening. I do not eat much during the day so by the time I can sit down and eat its late and then after I eat I go to time to use the energy so it turns to more fat! If I lost 100Lbs, I would look really good! I wish I could get there. Its hard with 4 kids and a house to take care of, diet alone can't do it. And when I do have the time to get out and "work out" I am too darn tired and just want to sleep!
I'm tired of seeing people get away with things they should not be. Getting things for free when they don't need it and can afford the things themselves, working the system and lying to the government. Its not fair to those people that really do need the help. The help is there for those that need it, not because you want something for free so you have more money to spend on other things for yourself. I hardly buy anything for myself. When I shop, I shop for my kids and things that are needed at the house. We as parents have to put our kids first. Yes, we need to take care of ourselves, but our children come first.
Guess I am sick and tired of a lot of things. Maybe you are thinking that I am full of BS and I need to stop complaining. I don't feel this way all the times, just right now I am feeling like this a lot lately. I don't like feeling this way, I would rather feel happy and not worry or think about these things at all! I love my kids, don't get me wrong, they are my whole world, them and my husband, without them I would be nothing, I would not know what to do with myself!!
I am happy for my children, my husband and my family and friends, I love them all. I am glad for what I have, please don't think I'm not. I am just tired of going through things over and over again...obviously I am tired of many things as you can see. Some of it I know is normal stuff and daily life (especially with the kids) I'm not saying I shouldn't be going though it, I'm just tired of going though it as much as I am I guess lol. So call me a loser, a BS'r, complainer, whatever you want, this is just how I am feeling lately. It will go away eventually, I've gone though this before...
We have a strong faith in God, but sometimes it just feels like your alone in life. I know God is faithful, its us as his children that are unfaithful and lose sight of Him. I am just so tired of struggling for everything, tired of barely making it, tired of worrying about bills and rent being paid on time. I am tired of worrying about food, not for myself but for my kids, I don't want them to be hungry. When my kids need something or we need something for the house or for one of us, I just want to be able to go get it and not worry about whether spending $2 on deodorant is going to be ok or if its going to mess things up...yep $2 whole dollars!! That's how bad it is sometimes and sometimes we don't even have it so it has to wait till next payday and then...that's money that is taken away from other things that we need to get or a bill that we need to pay. $2 shouldn't be something that we should have to worry about! James works hard and he makes better than minimum wage but gosh dang, its like he would need to be make twice as much as he does! And if I got a job nearly all my money would go to daycare, so whats the point!?
Thankfully I have learned to coupon some but I am no expert and I still am not saving what I would like to be able to. I did really good shopping for school supplies and with coupons, sales and employee discounts I spent probably $20 on supplies for 3 kids and still have some stuff left over!! That is something I am proud of. But I want to be able to supply my children with things they need, WHEN they need them...not 2 weeks or more down the road! I'm just sick of being poor...that's what it feels like anyway. I know we are NOT poor, there are so many people out there that are in worse shape than we are, so yes, I am thankful for what we have. And I know that God will provide us the things we NEED (not the things we WANT) and he has been faithful to us. But sometimes I feel forgotten and I feel like we are going through things we shouldn't be going through. Its hard to see people around you, friends, family and just people in general having what seems like a fairly easy time with things...paying bills, buying things they want, going places etc etc. Now, I know that money is not everything and material possessions are nothing and don't mean a can't take them with you! But having money there to use or spend if you would like sure would make things easier! Heck, I would just like to be able to have enough to pay all the bills (and keep them current) and the rent and have enough left over to buy gas to last us the rest of the week and to buy toilet paper and shampoo etc etc. I hate having to worry about gas...right now our gas tank reads IN THE RED and I don't think we have much in the bank to get enough gas to last us till next payday...maybe tho, luckily we live fairly close to everything so we don't use much gas.
But I would like to be able to not worry about it, for instance...if we need to go pick up Shelby or drop her off, it would be nice to just fill up the tank (probably twice lol) and go do it! Instead of having to borrow money from Dominique or family. I hate borrowing money from Dom, that is her money that she worked hard to earn and I don't think its fair to her for us to borrow her money. She doesn't mind but I don't like it. And I hate borrowing from family, its not their job to help us with that stuff! Or if we want to go visit Roseburg on one of James' 4 day would be nice to just get the gas and go and not have to worry about how its going to effect our bills!
I'm tired of not being able to see Shelby like we should. I know part of it has to deal with the fact that we live about 8+ hours away from each other, but seeing her 2 times in one year I don't think is fair. I know she has things going on and friends she is hanging out with and stuff but we are her family and we have the right to see her when we are supposed to. And I think both sides to need to work together equally to make sure it happens like it is supposed to. And I am just gunna leave that at that...anymore I say would probably upset someone or piss someone off and that is the least thing I want to do...
I am tired of spending my time during the day cleaning and straightening things and organizing, making everything look nice and clean to have it messed up again within a hour or so of being done with it. I am tired of my children not listening to me and arguing with me when I ask them to clean up their messes. Funny thing is, when they start getting things out or making a mess I remind them that they will have to clean it up when they are done, at the time they say, "yes mommy" and its no big deal, but when it comes time to do the chore, its another story. I am tired of repeating myself a gazillion times before something gets done. I am tired of feeling like I am the only person who cares about how our house looks, I swear, sometimes I leave things on purpose, hoping that someone else will take the initiative to take care of it or clean it up, pick it up and throw it away...whatever needs to be done, but nope, usually I am the one to take care of it in the end. James helps sometimes, he does the mopping and does his dishes, he mows and weed eats the yard, and he will do laundry sometimes...but I feel like 90% is left up to me. Sometimes I just wanna give up and leave it all!
I am tired of having to walk around on egg shells so that I don't piss off Dom and have to listen to her yell and scream at me because I asked her to do something she does not want to do, or I said something the wrong way. I am tired of the attitude and disrespect that I get from her and I am tired of the arguing. I know part of it is because she is a teenager but I think there is more behind it and I think sometimes its worse than normal teenage stuff.
I am tired of being fat...yes, part of this is my fault and I know there are things I can do to fix it. Though I do not understand why I am as overweight as I am, I do not eat a lot, but when I do eat is usually in the evening. I do not eat much during the day so by the time I can sit down and eat its late and then after I eat I go to time to use the energy so it turns to more fat! If I lost 100Lbs, I would look really good! I wish I could get there. Its hard with 4 kids and a house to take care of, diet alone can't do it. And when I do have the time to get out and "work out" I am too darn tired and just want to sleep!
I'm tired of seeing people get away with things they should not be. Getting things for free when they don't need it and can afford the things themselves, working the system and lying to the government. Its not fair to those people that really do need the help. The help is there for those that need it, not because you want something for free so you have more money to spend on other things for yourself. I hardly buy anything for myself. When I shop, I shop for my kids and things that are needed at the house. We as parents have to put our kids first. Yes, we need to take care of ourselves, but our children come first.
Guess I am sick and tired of a lot of things. Maybe you are thinking that I am full of BS and I need to stop complaining. I don't feel this way all the times, just right now I am feeling like this a lot lately. I don't like feeling this way, I would rather feel happy and not worry or think about these things at all! I love my kids, don't get me wrong, they are my whole world, them and my husband, without them I would be nothing, I would not know what to do with myself!!
I am happy for my children, my husband and my family and friends, I love them all. I am glad for what I have, please don't think I'm not. I am just tired of going through things over and over again...obviously I am tired of many things as you can see. Some of it I know is normal stuff and daily life (especially with the kids) I'm not saying I shouldn't be going though it, I'm just tired of going though it as much as I am I guess lol. So call me a loser, a BS'r, complainer, whatever you want, this is just how I am feeling lately. It will go away eventually, I've gone though this before...
house work,
money worries,
sick and tired,
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
I am so bored right now! I am home with just the baby and my 6year old. It is quiet in my house and it just feels weird lol. I am not sure what to do. It feels very empty! I do have laundry and some dishes that need doing, but I don't really feel like it right now. Probably later...
I miss Shelby already! It feels very empty here without her. I cannot wait for Thanksgiving to see her again and meet her boyfriend! Pretty sure we are doing Thanksgiving at our house this year and won't be traveling to anyone's house.
Mia had a dr apt. today. She is now 16.5 Lbs and 26 inches long. Not sure what percentile that lands her in, but its probably better than it was. She is starting to catch up, she didn't grow much the first few months lol, but now she is sprouting up! I think she is actually on a growth spurt as she has been eating a lot and sleeping a lot. She MAY be starting to cut some teeth too, but I am not sure yet since I have not seen anything but gums in her mouth lol.
Ya know what I was thinking? It would be so nice if we got tax refunds before Christmas! I wish I didn't have to stress about Christmas every year and I wish I was able to buy all my family gifts, not just my kids. I always feel terrible when I receive something from them but have nothing to give in return. I love shopping for my kids, my husband always is telling me "why don't you buy stuff for yourself, why do you always have to look for the kids, look for things for yourself" I can't help it! I like to shop for my kids!
hmmmm...what else??
OH! We finally got the bunk beds and my dad came down and put em up. The girls have much more room in their bedroom now, its great. They wern't sure at first what to think about them, especially Ashlee. She is getting the bottom bunk cuz she still falls out of bed sometimes lol. But now I think they like them. \
Guess that is all...for now at least, maybe I will have more to write later tonight after the kids are in bed...
I miss Shelby already! It feels very empty here without her. I cannot wait for Thanksgiving to see her again and meet her boyfriend! Pretty sure we are doing Thanksgiving at our house this year and won't be traveling to anyone's house.
Mia had a dr apt. today. She is now 16.5 Lbs and 26 inches long. Not sure what percentile that lands her in, but its probably better than it was. She is starting to catch up, she didn't grow much the first few months lol, but now she is sprouting up! I think she is actually on a growth spurt as she has been eating a lot and sleeping a lot. She MAY be starting to cut some teeth too, but I am not sure yet since I have not seen anything but gums in her mouth lol.
Ya know what I was thinking? It would be so nice if we got tax refunds before Christmas! I wish I didn't have to stress about Christmas every year and I wish I was able to buy all my family gifts, not just my kids. I always feel terrible when I receive something from them but have nothing to give in return. I love shopping for my kids, my husband always is telling me "why don't you buy stuff for yourself, why do you always have to look for the kids, look for things for yourself" I can't help it! I like to shop for my kids!
hmmmm...what else??
OH! We finally got the bunk beds and my dad came down and put em up. The girls have much more room in their bedroom now, its great. They wern't sure at first what to think about them, especially Ashlee. She is getting the bottom bunk cuz she still falls out of bed sometimes lol. But now I think they like them. \
Guess that is all...for now at least, maybe I will have more to write later tonight after the kids are in bed...
Monday, August 29, 2011
Zola's Pizza!!!
I wanted to share this awesome place with you all! They have great pizza and lots of pasta dishes to chose from, there is a variey of 120 different beers to chose from as well! The pizza is cooked in a brick oven, the service is warm and friendly and the food is cooked to order. Breadsticks are amazing and you can put just about anything on them! 7 types of bbq/hot wing sauce, and a good variety of pasta to choose from. FREE delivery! Below are just a few pictures that I took last time we were there. It is such a fun place to go. Keep the kids entertained by drawing on the tables while you wait for your food...maybe it will get placed on the wall!!
Pizza box art on the ceiling
Coloring on tables
Wall art
Awesome sink in the bathroom
her art on the wall
Drawing on the bathroom walls
They have a facebook page that I will be posting, check it out! If you are even in or going through Brookings, Oregon, you MUST make a stop here and check it out! Its located in the Brookings, Harbor in the shopping area, you can't miss it!
Just below are the menu pages
Facebook page
"Oregon Coast - just off 101 FIRE Oven cooked Pizza....Killer Breadsticks with any topping... Ridiculous Wings Sauced after cooking.... Fresh Salads..Caesar or Garden.... PASTA Bowls cooked in the FIRE...Free WiFi...Great Vibe...Yum."
A sad day...
Today Shelby will be leaving for home. I am sad to see her go and I wish we could see her more often. Its tough when you get to see one of your kids only a couple times a year :-(
I am sure she is ready to get back home and sleep in her own bed and not be woked up by her 2 little sisters before noon lol. I am already working on 2 DVD's for her. One is a video DVD of different videos that have been taken while she was here and the other is a DVD slide show of pictures of her summer visit here. I enjoy working on them, its fun and makes me think of her :-) We should get her for Thanksgiving this year and we also invited her boyfriend to come along.
We are so broke right now its not even funny. We are behind in getting our rent money orders...each week we get a money order for the rent for the next month, it works out best that way instead of havning to take 2 of James full paychecks to pay for rent...well so far we have only gotten ONE money order for next months rent! I HATE being behind. I know what happened tho...we wrote a couple of check that we forgot about (which is why we hardly EVER write checks!) and by the time they made it to the bank there wasn't enough to cover them, thankfully the bank paid them (probably cuz we don't write many checks lol) but it overdrafted our account quite a bit so we have been playing catch up with that and trying to get the bills paid too! We did go camping this month, but we didn't really spend any money on that. All we had to pay for was the extra vehicle ($25) and our food. Tho we do need to pay my parents back part of the money for the site since we all shared it. I NEED to go grocery shopping but I can't without any money lol. I think we will make it till next payday tho...
I took a survey/quiz thingy for our health insurace and it showed that I have a very high risk of stress...duh lol! Along with a few other things...I really need to lose weight! That will lower a lot of things. I want to lose eventually at least 100lbs...yep, I'm a fatty!! Which I don't quite understand lol. I do not eat that much really. At least I don't think I do. I think my big problem is that I eat late at night. I don't hardly eat during the day time. I was walking for awhile but stopped for some reason. I really need to get back into that! My risk for depression was also high, UGH! Risk for stroke etc etc. Funny tho, with all that we still qualify for the $900.00 incentive lol so apparently we aren't THAT unhealthy lol.
So today I'm kind of being lazy. I haven't done much, one load of laundry and I will do dishes later. I'm not really even dressed yet lol. My children are very whinny today, they have made messes and do not want to clean them up. Even tho I tell them when they start dragging things out, that they will have to clean it all up when they are done, and they always tell me "ok" as soon as I tell them its time to clean up the fits start coming. Ohhhh, I can't wait for their teenager years lol...
I am sure she is ready to get back home and sleep in her own bed and not be woked up by her 2 little sisters before noon lol. I am already working on 2 DVD's for her. One is a video DVD of different videos that have been taken while she was here and the other is a DVD slide show of pictures of her summer visit here. I enjoy working on them, its fun and makes me think of her :-) We should get her for Thanksgiving this year and we also invited her boyfriend to come along.
We are so broke right now its not even funny. We are behind in getting our rent money orders...each week we get a money order for the rent for the next month, it works out best that way instead of havning to take 2 of James full paychecks to pay for rent...well so far we have only gotten ONE money order for next months rent! I HATE being behind. I know what happened tho...we wrote a couple of check that we forgot about (which is why we hardly EVER write checks!) and by the time they made it to the bank there wasn't enough to cover them, thankfully the bank paid them (probably cuz we don't write many checks lol) but it overdrafted our account quite a bit so we have been playing catch up with that and trying to get the bills paid too! We did go camping this month, but we didn't really spend any money on that. All we had to pay for was the extra vehicle ($25) and our food. Tho we do need to pay my parents back part of the money for the site since we all shared it. I NEED to go grocery shopping but I can't without any money lol. I think we will make it till next payday tho...
I took a survey/quiz thingy for our health insurace and it showed that I have a very high risk of stress...duh lol! Along with a few other things...I really need to lose weight! That will lower a lot of things. I want to lose eventually at least 100lbs...yep, I'm a fatty!! Which I don't quite understand lol. I do not eat that much really. At least I don't think I do. I think my big problem is that I eat late at night. I don't hardly eat during the day time. I was walking for awhile but stopped for some reason. I really need to get back into that! My risk for depression was also high, UGH! Risk for stroke etc etc. Funny tho, with all that we still qualify for the $900.00 incentive lol so apparently we aren't THAT unhealthy lol.
So today I'm kind of being lazy. I haven't done much, one load of laundry and I will do dishes later. I'm not really even dressed yet lol. My children are very whinny today, they have made messes and do not want to clean them up. Even tho I tell them when they start dragging things out, that they will have to clean it all up when they are done, and they always tell me "ok" as soon as I tell them its time to clean up the fits start coming. Ohhhh, I can't wait for their teenager years lol...
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