I am so bored right now! I am home with just the baby and my 6year old. It is quiet in my house and it just feels weird lol. I am not sure what to do. It feels very empty! I do have laundry and some dishes that need doing, but I don't really feel like it right now. Probably later...
I miss Shelby already! It feels very empty here without her. I cannot wait for Thanksgiving to see her again and meet her boyfriend! Pretty sure we are doing Thanksgiving at our house this year and won't be traveling to anyone's house.
Mia had a dr apt. today. She is now 16.5 Lbs and 26 inches long. Not sure what percentile that lands her in, but its probably better than it was. She is starting to catch up, she didn't grow much the first few months lol, but now she is sprouting up! I think she is actually on a growth spurt as she has been eating a lot and sleeping a lot. She MAY be starting to cut some teeth too, but I am not sure yet since I have not seen anything but gums in her mouth lol.
Ya know what I was thinking? It would be so nice if we got tax refunds before Christmas! I wish I didn't have to stress about Christmas every year and I wish I was able to buy all my family gifts, not just my kids. I always feel terrible when I receive something from them but have nothing to give in return. I love shopping for my kids, my husband always is telling me "why don't you buy stuff for yourself, why do you always have to look for the kids, look for things for yourself" I can't help it! I like to shop for my kids!
hmmmm...what else??
OH! We finally got the bunk beds and my dad came down and put em up. The girls have much more room in their bedroom now, its great. They wern't sure at first what to think about them, especially Ashlee. She is getting the bottom bunk cuz she still falls out of bed sometimes lol. But now I think they like them. \
Guess that is all...for now at least, maybe I will have more to write later tonight after the kids are in bed...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Zola's Pizza!!!
I wanted to share this awesome place with you all! They have great pizza and lots of pasta dishes to chose from, there is a variey of 120 different beers to chose from as well! The pizza is cooked in a brick oven, the service is warm and friendly and the food is cooked to order. Breadsticks are amazing and you can put just about anything on them! 7 types of bbq/hot wing sauce, and a good variety of pasta to choose from. FREE delivery! Below are just a few pictures that I took last time we were there. It is such a fun place to go. Keep the kids entertained by drawing on the tables while you wait for your food...maybe it will get placed on the wall!!
Pizza box art on the ceiling
Coloring on tables
Wall art
Awesome sink in the bathroom
her art on the wall
Drawing on the bathroom walls
They have a facebook page that I will be posting, check it out! If you are even in or going through Brookings, Oregon, you MUST make a stop here and check it out! Its located in the Brookings, Harbor in the shopping area, you can't miss it!
Just below are the menu pages
Facebook page
"Oregon Coast - just off 101 FIRE Oven cooked Pizza....Killer Breadsticks with any topping... Ridiculous Wings Sauced after cooking.... Fresh Salads..Caesar or Garden.... PASTA Bowls cooked in the FIRE...Free WiFi...Great Vibe...Yum."
A sad day...
Today Shelby will be leaving for home. I am sad to see her go and I wish we could see her more often. Its tough when you get to see one of your kids only a couple times a year :-(
I am sure she is ready to get back home and sleep in her own bed and not be woked up by her 2 little sisters before noon lol. I am already working on 2 DVD's for her. One is a video DVD of different videos that have been taken while she was here and the other is a DVD slide show of pictures of her summer visit here. I enjoy working on them, its fun and makes me think of her :-) We should get her for Thanksgiving this year and we also invited her boyfriend to come along.
We are so broke right now its not even funny. We are behind in getting our rent money orders...each week we get a money order for the rent for the next month, it works out best that way instead of havning to take 2 of James full paychecks to pay for rent...well so far we have only gotten ONE money order for next months rent! I HATE being behind. I know what happened tho...we wrote a couple of check that we forgot about (which is why we hardly EVER write checks!) and by the time they made it to the bank there wasn't enough to cover them, thankfully the bank paid them (probably cuz we don't write many checks lol) but it overdrafted our account quite a bit so we have been playing catch up with that and trying to get the bills paid too! We did go camping this month, but we didn't really spend any money on that. All we had to pay for was the extra vehicle ($25) and our food. Tho we do need to pay my parents back part of the money for the site since we all shared it. I NEED to go grocery shopping but I can't without any money lol. I think we will make it till next payday tho...
I took a survey/quiz thingy for our health insurace and it showed that I have a very high risk of stress...duh lol! Along with a few other things...I really need to lose weight! That will lower a lot of things. I want to lose eventually at least 100lbs...yep, I'm a fatty!! Which I don't quite understand lol. I do not eat that much really. At least I don't think I do. I think my big problem is that I eat late at night. I don't hardly eat during the day time. I was walking for awhile but stopped for some reason. I really need to get back into that! My risk for depression was also high, UGH! Risk for stroke etc etc. Funny tho, with all that we still qualify for the $900.00 incentive lol so apparently we aren't THAT unhealthy lol.
So today I'm kind of being lazy. I haven't done much, one load of laundry and I will do dishes later. I'm not really even dressed yet lol. My children are very whinny today, they have made messes and do not want to clean them up. Even tho I tell them when they start dragging things out, that they will have to clean it all up when they are done, and they always tell me "ok" as soon as I tell them its time to clean up the fits start coming. Ohhhh, I can't wait for their teenager years lol...
I am sure she is ready to get back home and sleep in her own bed and not be woked up by her 2 little sisters before noon lol. I am already working on 2 DVD's for her. One is a video DVD of different videos that have been taken while she was here and the other is a DVD slide show of pictures of her summer visit here. I enjoy working on them, its fun and makes me think of her :-) We should get her for Thanksgiving this year and we also invited her boyfriend to come along.
We are so broke right now its not even funny. We are behind in getting our rent money orders...each week we get a money order for the rent for the next month, it works out best that way instead of havning to take 2 of James full paychecks to pay for rent...well so far we have only gotten ONE money order for next months rent! I HATE being behind. I know what happened tho...we wrote a couple of check that we forgot about (which is why we hardly EVER write checks!) and by the time they made it to the bank there wasn't enough to cover them, thankfully the bank paid them (probably cuz we don't write many checks lol) but it overdrafted our account quite a bit so we have been playing catch up with that and trying to get the bills paid too! We did go camping this month, but we didn't really spend any money on that. All we had to pay for was the extra vehicle ($25) and our food. Tho we do need to pay my parents back part of the money for the site since we all shared it. I NEED to go grocery shopping but I can't without any money lol. I think we will make it till next payday tho...
I took a survey/quiz thingy for our health insurace and it showed that I have a very high risk of stress...duh lol! Along with a few other things...I really need to lose weight! That will lower a lot of things. I want to lose eventually at least 100lbs...yep, I'm a fatty!! Which I don't quite understand lol. I do not eat that much really. At least I don't think I do. I think my big problem is that I eat late at night. I don't hardly eat during the day time. I was walking for awhile but stopped for some reason. I really need to get back into that! My risk for depression was also high, UGH! Risk for stroke etc etc. Funny tho, with all that we still qualify for the $900.00 incentive lol so apparently we aren't THAT unhealthy lol.
So today I'm kind of being lazy. I haven't done much, one load of laundry and I will do dishes later. I'm not really even dressed yet lol. My children are very whinny today, they have made messes and do not want to clean them up. Even tho I tell them when they start dragging things out, that they will have to clean it all up when they are done, and they always tell me "ok" as soon as I tell them its time to clean up the fits start coming. Ohhhh, I can't wait for their teenager years lol...
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Its been too long!
Wow, its been too long!!
Been busy, a lot of things going on...
We finally got to see Shelby for summer! I was so excited to get her, and its been great! I have missed her so much. I will be sad when she goes home in a couple days and I am going to miss her terribly. I wish we could spend more time with her. We should get to have her for Thanksgiving since last year she stayed at home, but we will not get her for Christmas :-(
We have been to the river lots of times this summer, more than the ocean, kinda wierd huh? We live SO close to the ocean and we go to the river more often lol. We went camping in Bandon at Bullards Beach again with our good friends Brian and Tracy and their kids. We spend 5 days there. It was fun but at the same time there was lots of un-needed and un-wanted drama and know it all attitude and dissrespect. I wish things were easier with teenagers.
Mia is now 6mos old! She is getting so big now! Lillian will be in first grade, I had to switch her teacher cause I was told the one she got was pretty strickt and didn't do any class parties for holidays or anything. Ashlee should be going into preschool, I sent off her application and am waiting to hear back from them. I think it should be fine the lady I talked to said they didn't have a full class yet. I am debating wether to drive her out or have her take the bus...its about 5-6 miles out of town. Looks a nice school from what I have seen, and there is a big pasture with a couple horses right next to the school playground area. Dom is a Senior now, she is again taking a couple college credit classes. She could graduate early as she really only needs 3 credits to graduate, but she wants to graduate with her class plus there were some classes she really wanted to take.
We have been looking for a different house...I don't know for sure if we will move or not, just something we are looking into. I would like to have a little more privacy. Where we live now the neighbors are RIGHT there, and they both have dogs that they just let bark and bark. They are nice neighbors and the one couple loves our kids and is always giving them fruit or flowers from their garden or cookies or something lol. We did find a place that had 1.5 acres that is only $50 a month more than what we pay now and the owner mows it all cause he has a big riding mower. Its tough because we would like a little more room but at the same time, to come up with deposits and everything...its costly. I don't think we will ever buy a house, we will probably always rent lol. It has its pluses...you don't have to pay for things when they break down! I like that part lol. Maybe when all the kids are moved out we will look at buying a place. Eventually I would like to have some animals of some kind.
I started couponing...nothing huge like the Extreme Couponers show lol, but that is why I started. After seeing that show and learning how to save money, I figured why not!! I did pretty good with the kids school supplies, I bought things when they were on a good sale price and used coupons and James discount! I used rain checks, which I had never done before, those are pretty cool! And I did really good on Lillian's birthday and got some really awesome deals! I am proud of myself lol. I wish I had more stores to shop at though, I see all these good deals that I could be getting but I don't have the stores to shop at to get them!
Been busy, a lot of things going on...
We finally got to see Shelby for summer! I was so excited to get her, and its been great! I have missed her so much. I will be sad when she goes home in a couple days and I am going to miss her terribly. I wish we could spend more time with her. We should get to have her for Thanksgiving since last year she stayed at home, but we will not get her for Christmas :-(
We have been to the river lots of times this summer, more than the ocean, kinda wierd huh? We live SO close to the ocean and we go to the river more often lol. We went camping in Bandon at Bullards Beach again with our good friends Brian and Tracy and their kids. We spend 5 days there. It was fun but at the same time there was lots of un-needed and un-wanted drama and know it all attitude and dissrespect. I wish things were easier with teenagers.
Mia is now 6mos old! She is getting so big now! Lillian will be in first grade, I had to switch her teacher cause I was told the one she got was pretty strickt and didn't do any class parties for holidays or anything. Ashlee should be going into preschool, I sent off her application and am waiting to hear back from them. I think it should be fine the lady I talked to said they didn't have a full class yet. I am debating wether to drive her out or have her take the bus...its about 5-6 miles out of town. Looks a nice school from what I have seen, and there is a big pasture with a couple horses right next to the school playground area. Dom is a Senior now, she is again taking a couple college credit classes. She could graduate early as she really only needs 3 credits to graduate, but she wants to graduate with her class plus there were some classes she really wanted to take.
We have been looking for a different house...I don't know for sure if we will move or not, just something we are looking into. I would like to have a little more privacy. Where we live now the neighbors are RIGHT there, and they both have dogs that they just let bark and bark. They are nice neighbors and the one couple loves our kids and is always giving them fruit or flowers from their garden or cookies or something lol. We did find a place that had 1.5 acres that is only $50 a month more than what we pay now and the owner mows it all cause he has a big riding mower. Its tough because we would like a little more room but at the same time, to come up with deposits and everything...its costly. I don't think we will ever buy a house, we will probably always rent lol. It has its pluses...you don't have to pay for things when they break down! I like that part lol. Maybe when all the kids are moved out we will look at buying a place. Eventually I would like to have some animals of some kind.
I started couponing...nothing huge like the Extreme Couponers show lol, but that is why I started. After seeing that show and learning how to save money, I figured why not!! I did pretty good with the kids school supplies, I bought things when they were on a good sale price and used coupons and James discount! I used rain checks, which I had never done before, those are pretty cool! And I did really good on Lillian's birthday and got some really awesome deals! I am proud of myself lol. I wish I had more stores to shop at though, I see all these good deals that I could be getting but I don't have the stores to shop at to get them!
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