Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sleepless in Brookings...

Last night was an awful night for sleep! Mia has her days and nights mixed up. She sleep well during the day 3-4 hour stretches, wakes up to eat and goes back to sleep. Sometimes she will stay awake for maybe 15 minutes after eating but then is right back to sleep. Last night she was up every hour after about 3:30am to eat, then back to sleep for about an hour and then up again wanting to eat. I would sit there in bed with her propped up on my fluffiest, firmest pillow in the football hold nursing her, falling asleep! Then she would fall asleep and as I went to lay her down, she would either wake back up and want to eat some more or she would lay quietly for a short period of time and THEN want back up. I tired giving her a pacifier (pas, as we call it around here) and sometimes that would work and I'd get a half hour of sleep in, other times it didn't matter. Finally, I smacked my husband on the arm and said "its your turn, I need sleep too" he had been laying there snoring loud as a bullhorn right through everything! I hated him last night (not really it was the lack of sleep talking). He took her and and I rolled over and went to sleep. She was fine, I knew she had been fed, had a clean diaper on, etc. About an hour later she was crying again, didn't want her pas, wasn't gassy...I knew she was wanting to eat least I got about an hours worth of sleep. Finally around 6am she went to sleep and was out! I laid my head down on my pillow, even though I don't remember it, I know I did cuz I woke up with it there lol. Woke up to the alarm clock (7am) and the kids coming into our room to wake us up. James got up with them, got them fed and dressed and ready to go...well Lillian anyway, she is the only one besides Dom who NEEDS to be dressed to go out of the house. James took them to school, I had to get up to make sure Ashlee didn't get into anything she wasn't suppose to. So last night...lets not talk about that anymore lol. I am practically falling asleep as I write this!

Today I had to take Mia in to get her Billy Ruben (or whatever/how ever its spelled) tested again to see if things had improved since yesterday. I had to take her to the hospital which is approx. a half hour away. I get there and they did not know I was coming, had no lab paperwork...etc etc. I waited for approx. 20min for them to tell me there were finally ready. I had 2 young children and an infant, things were a little difficult. Finally they took me back, poked her head and took what they needed for the test. We had to wait there for the results just in case she needed the light therapy or the light blanket to take home. Got all that finished and done and we were out of there about 2:30pm...I had gotten there just shortly after 12pm!
Upon getting home, I had to feed these "starving" children and get them all situated and then they were up and down up and down. THEN I had to go pick up James from work for his lunch so he could take the car back and I wouldn't have to go back and get him at 9:30/10pm! Needless to say I am pooped out (may not sound like I did a lot but I did) I also did a load of the baby's laundry.  And as I sit here typing this out I am falling asleep! Think I'll go nap while Mia is, should be able to get at least an hour of sleep, which will help me later on tonight when she is awake and just wanting to eat.

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